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来源:证券之星    发布时间:2024-03-23 15:00:37   阅读量:14304   

The 2024 Oscars ceremony has just concluded last week. But did you know there’re “Oscars” in manufacturing too? They’re the “Lighthouse Factories”.

Just as a lighthouse that guides ships at sea,a“Lighthouse Factory”illuminates the pathto smart manufacturing in the industry.The “Lighthouse Factory” is jointly selected by the World Economic Forum and McKinsey amp; Co. Being included on this list signifies reaching the pinnacle of smart manufacturing and digitalization in the global manufacturing industry.

But what exactly does this pinnacle entail? It means that a computer can roll off the assembly line in the blink of an eye. Production is measured in seconds, not minutes. One worker can generate millions in output value in a year. Tasks that once required 100 workers can now be done by only 30. And these are just the tip of the iceberg. The widespread adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies has unleashed the full potential of digitalization in manufacturing enterprises.

Currently, there are 153 lighthouse factories worldwide. China boasts 63 of them, ranking first globally. These factories are mainly concentrated in industries with a high level of smart manufacturing such as appliance manufacturing and electronic devices.

When you think of “smart manufacturing,”you probably envision unmanned production.The epitome of this is the “dark factory.”But what sets a “lighthouse factory” apart from a “dark factory”?While a “dark factory” emphasizes replacing humans with machines, a“lighthouse factory” prioritizes human-machine coordination.Yet, both types of factories reflect the significance of smart manufacturing for the global manufacturing industry.

In recent years, Guangdong, China’s leading province in terms of economic output, has established eight lighthouse factories. It leads the nation in the number of high-tech enterprises for eight consecutive years and ranks first in regional innovation capability for seven consecutive years. In cutting-edge fields such as new energy vehicles, the low-altitude economy, and artificial intelligence, Guangdong continues to forge ahead, pioneering new paths, seizing the strategic high ground, and accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. Through technological innovation, it aims to create a new “lighthouse” for China and the world.

Just as important as lighthousesto ships in the vast sea, the development of everyindustry needspioneers to lead the way.New qualityproductive forces,like the light from a lighthouse factory,will continue to illuminate the development blueprint for Guangdong’s smart manufacturing.

出品:南财国际传播中心 21新媒体中心 创意互动中心

策划统筹:于晓娜 丁青云

内容统筹:谭婷 刘巷






海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪


审校:强燕 黄志明

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